4. Empowerment and networking project of social mental health assistants of the countrywide welfare organization

đź‘ĄProject audience and stakeholders:  250 representatives of non-governmental organizations đź‘ĄProject participants and activists:  The Social Harm Prevention Office of the country's welfare organization with the training and documentation team 🌍Philosophy and worldview of the project: Today, political and economic experts unanimously agree that sustainable growth and development cannot be achieved without organized and purposeful participation …

3. Empowerment and capacity building project of students members of scientific, cultural and art associations across the country

đź‘ĄProject audience and stakeholders: Students who were members of  different student associations across the country đź‘ĄProject participants and activists: The Cultural Vice-Chancellor of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology in cooperation with the Cultural Vice-Chancellor of universities across the country 🌍Philosophy and worldview of the project: After the cultural revolution, student activities witnessed significant …

2. Empowerment and networking project of selected cultural affairs experts (TOT)

đź‘ĄProject audience and stakeholders: Experts of scientific associations of universities across the country and selected students of scientific and student associations đź‘ĄProject participants and activists: The Vice-Chancellor of Culture of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology of the Ministry of Science and the two universities selected to hold the University of Science and Technology …

1. Empowerment and capacity building project of cultural affairs experts of universities across the country

đź‘ĄProject audience and stakeholders: Experts from scientific associations of universities across the country đź‘ĄProject participants and activists: Experts and managers of the Office of Scientific and Student Associations in the Ministry of Science, Research, and Technology. 🌍Philosophy and worldview of the project: The Office of Student Scientific Associations of the Ministry of Science, Research, and …